
Sunday, 3 March 2013

I (heart) Linkies!

Hello again!

Twice in one weekend? What?!? Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, I spent it working at my P-T job and working on my PBDE project!

Our project is focused on Middle Years math, and helping students with what we identified as the "Top Ten" problem areas for kids (mostly in the "number" strand of math here in Manitoba). So today, I've been working on thinking and researching why basic fact knowledge, factors and multiples, place value, mental math and problem solving are so difficult for kids. It's been interesting, I'm glad that I've found this project valuable so far. Sometimes a lot of it feels like busywork in some courses.

Anyway, the main reason for me writing today is to link up with Ms. M (as an aside, I remember when I used to be a Ms. M! Now I have to settle for being Mrs. T [I'm still coming to terms with trading my awesome last name for a waaaay more popular one!]) over at Teaching is a Gift for her "Blog by Province" linky party.

It's nice when you can find Canadian bloggers to visit with sometimes! So if you are reading this, and are a Canadian blogger, go link up! 

Have a great week, everyone!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Currently, etc.

Hello Friends!

Thanks for sticking around, even though I have been a lazy blogger most of the time that I have been with you. I promise that eventually things will pick up around here! Around the same time that they pick up in my teaching career. Sigh.

Anyway, I shall start with this month's Currently. If you haven't yet, you should check it out (every month) by Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade. She always has lots of fun things going on.

Oh' boy fourth grade

So here is what right now looks like for me:

I should be working on my PBDE project, but instead I am working on cover letters and blog stalking. Very worthwhile past-times! Since I've started this post-bacc program, I'm techinically able to apply for different resource/special ed. positions. There were a couple postings this week, but I'm kind of afraid that I will be completely over my head if I get something. I just need to work on believing in my abilities and figuring out how to bring that across to others. Also, I am craving a frappucino. But I am still in my PJs at 2 pm. So that tells you how much motivation I have today :)

On an unrelated job note, I really need a teaching job so that I don't have to work so much retail anymore! I am really sick of working Sundays. 

And my "like, love, hate": 
I always think that "D" words are so hard...but I came up with three. My like, dorkiness, is just fun. I've been lucky enough to get a lot of sub days at a school that I worked at for most of the last school year. So my "dorkiness" is one thing that lets me connect with students and have fun. My love, is my dog, Leif. He is such a dork too. 

But how could you not love this face?

That's my puppy giving me a "I missed you, momma!" hug!

And the last, my hate, is drama. I feel like there is always someone trying to start things. So I'm doing my best to avoid those who start and spread it all.

That's it for now! Have a great weekend everyone!